Thursday, December 6, 2012

Project Five

This was by far the hardest assignment for me. I would estimate that I spent 40 hours or so working on this. The assignment was to create an iPhone app, my choice. I designed an app called "Ask Fancy" for busy women who want to stay trendy. A user can ask "Fancy," a savvy database, if a certain article of clothing is in style, read up on the current trends, and see a selection of daily looks from across the web.

My first draft was rough to say the least. I learned really quickly that navigation is key. Though this took me essentially back to the drawing board, I was really happy with my revision. Thinking 100% about user experience, I added universal navigation, clear pathways, and multiple avenues. I rethought and cleaned up the overall design. My biggest "ah-ha" moment came when I was able to eliminate four entire wireframes by simply thinking strategically and using a sort button.

As Tyra Banks would say, here's my best shot:

1 comment:

  1. You really did a wonderful job. I love the look of the app and it seems very user friendly.
